Olympics Themed Playdate!
With the olympics just starting, how cute would an olympics themed playdate be?! We have gathered up some of our favorite Stay at Home Activity Mom activities that you can set up in stations for your kids and their friends to play. Most of these involve VERY little prep and include things you probably have at your house already. If you want to make it a bit more festive, add some cute decor and give all the kids a plastic medal (linked at the bottom) at the end of the playdate. Although these aren't really olympic sports, they are fun activities that get the kids moving and are enjoyable for toddlers all the way up to big kids. Click the title of any activity to be linked to more detailed directions.
Sticky "Dart" Board
For this activity you will draw out a dart board on a piece of large white paper and tape it to the wall. Next, take some contact paper and tape it sticky side out over the game baord. Use pom poms and have your child throw them at the "dart board" trying to get them in the circle. For older kids, you could even have them use a notebook to keep score.
Balloon Cup Race
Put 2 (or more depending on the number of kids) plastic cups on one side of the table. Blow up balloons but DON'T tie them shut. Count to 3 and have your kids slowly let air out of the end of the balloon and use the air to guide the cup to the other side of the table. Whoever gets it the farthest wins!
Animal Cup Bowling
Stack small plastic animals or figurines on top of upside down solo cups. Have your child roll a ball and see how many animals they can knock off. Each child can take turns setting it up for the next person's turn.
Table Roll
Tape some plastic cups of varying sizes off the edge of a table. Use a ping pong ball or other small ball and have your child roll it across the table and try and get it inside the cup. You can move cups closer or farther apart to change the level of difficulty of the game. Kids love this one! Click the title above to see some other fun variations of this game.
Ball Toss
Use painter's tape to tape solo cups on the wall at varying heights. Have your child toss a ping pong ball or other small ball and try to make it in the cup. You could even write numbers on the outside of the cup and have them worth different amounts of points. Older kids can stand farther back to make the game a bit harder.
Cup Tower
Give your child a stack of cups and construction paper. Challenge them to build the tallest structure they can!
Tape/Stick Balance
Tape 2 pieces of painter's tape going from one counter top to the other with the sticky side down. Lay popsicle sticks across the pieces of tape. Give your child little plastic bears or trinkets and see how many they can balance without knocking them over. You could race to see who can balance a certain number first or see who can balance the most in a certain number of time. Depending on the ages of the kids, you can take out the competition part of the game and just make it a team challenge.
Water Balloon Color Match
Use different colored painter's tape and make X's randomly on your driveway. Fill up water balloons and have your child throw the balloons at the X that matches their balloon. For example, throw blue balloons at the blue X, red balloons at the red X, etc. Such a fun activity on a hot day!
Letter Bowling
Pick a focus letter (or number) that you want your child to work on and write it on a plastic cup. Stack up some cups to make a small tower... 4 cups on the bottom, then 3 on the next level, then 2, and 1 on top. Give your child a small ball to throw at the tower and try to knock over the cup with the letter/number on it.
Shape Hunt
Rip little pieces of painter's tape (about 1-2 inches) and draw a shape on each one. Focus on 4 different shapes. Divide a piece of paper into 4 sections and label each one with a different shape that you drew. Hide the pieces of tape all over the house and let your kids run and find the pieces of tape. After they find a piece of tape, have them run back to the paper and put it in the correct section.
Alphabet Run
Use sticky notes to label small sports cones with a letter or sight word your child is learning. Spread the cones all over your yard. Call out a letter or sight word and have your child run to the cone that you said. Then call out another letter/sight word and have them find that new one and run to it. Such a fun and active way to learn!
Spruce up the playdate with some fun decor and medals linked below:
Paper Plates
Plastic Medals
We hope you feel inspired to host an Olympic themed playdate. If not, just enjoy the quality family time watching all of the olympic events together. Go Team USA!!
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