8 Favorite Winter-themed Learning Activities

It's hard to believe it is already January! It's time to pack up the holiday decor and start thinking about some winter fun. Included below are a variety of winter themed activities you and your kids will enjoy! Click on the title of any of the activities to be linked to more detailed directions. 


Dot Art

Dot art is always a favorite around here. It's super simple but always turns out looking so great! Using painter's tape, tape down a snowflake and have your child use dot markers to dot all around it, even overlapping onto the snowflake. Let this dry. Once it is fully dry, carefully peel the snowflake off to reveal your beautiful winter creation! 



Make a Snowman Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are so much fun and provide endless amounts of play. They are also great to pull out when your kids need a little reset on those days where the sibling bickering is taking over. There is something about water play that is an instant mood booster!




Build a Snowman by craftmonsterz

@craftmonsterz shared this super fun idea on Instagram. Wrap up (or paint) 3 old boxes white for the body. Then cut out some facial features and gather up some old bows. If you put velcro pieces on the back, your kids can build and decorate the snowman over and over again! 




Snowflake Math

This is an easy way to practice some math. Write a number inside the snowflake and equations on the dot stickers and have your child match them up. You can simplify this if needed by just having numbers on the stickers to match up with the snowflake. Or you can draw dots and have your kids count those and match them with the snowflake. Full directions are on Instagram (just click "Snowflake Math" above to be taken there).




Salt Painting Snowflake 

Using washable glue, make a snowflake on paper. Heavy duty construction paper works best. Cover the glue with salt generously. Shake off excess (and save for another salt art piece)! Use a paintbrush, water and watercolor paint to tap and paint the salt covered glue. Continue wetting the brush, getting a paint color on the brush, and tapping until you finish. 




Fizzy Snowman by entertainmytoddler

This super fun science experiment was shared by @entertainmytoddler on Instagram. It looks like it will be such a hit with kids of all ages. Color toilet paper tubes to look like snowmen. Fill the tubes with baking soda. Squirt in vinegar to make it fizz! So cool! 




Crayon Resist Art 

Take a piece of thick construction paper and draw snowflakes all over using a white crayon. Then, have your child use water color paint to paint all over the paper. As they are painting the snowflakes will start to "magically" appear!




Snowflake Beading by chasing50toes

This project was shared on Instagram by @chasing50toes. It is such a simple and fun way to practice fine motor skills. Take pipe cleaners and twist them around each other to make a snowflake. Then string pony beads on to each piece. It will be neat to see how unique each snowflake turns out. 



We hope you enjoy these fun and festive winter activities. Thanks for being here and stay warm!